A Personal Insight into WhistleBlower Security: 9 Minutes with Shannon

From the birth of WBS to our global hotline reach, these short videos help tell the story about who we are, and what we do.

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Birth of WBS

After taking many months of researching the landscape of how whistleblower hotlines work, WBS was born. Fast forward to now, and we’ve grown to be able to service any company, anywhere in the world, with their ethics and compliance needs.

A Higher Purpose

How do we help organizations elevate their culture and improve their ethics, compliance and employee engagement. At WBS we come together to provide an essential service while making good companies better.

Anonymous Reporting Channel

When a company puts an anonymous reporting system in place, it shows they care about the well-being of not only their employees, but the well-being of their company. When employees aren’t comfortable speaking-up to their direct supervisors, an anonymous reporting channel provides that safe space.

A Better Hotline Experience

When someone does call into a reporting hotline, they are often nervous and upset, and have very real fears about repercussions. Our first job is to provide a calm and welcoming interaction with the person reporting their concern to help gather as much information as possible to allow the company to conduct a thorough investigation.

How We Build a Better Product

We take pride in engaging with our product advisory council to help us guide how the IntegrityCounts product continues to develop. Our clients have a say in what enhancements they want to see, and we do our best to consider these factors into the development of the product.

How We Build a Better Intake

We took a lot of time to create an intake questionnaire that is substantive enough to ensure our clients get the type of information they need to conduct an investigation, and succinct enough ensure whistleblowers feel comfortable answering the questions.

Global Hotline Reach

IntegrityCounts operates hundreds of hotlines in countries around the world. This allows the system to service smaller companies and multinational operations. The hotline services over 150 languages so employees can report in any language they feel comfortable with.


IntegrityCounts was originally built on a regulatory requirement, Sarbanes-Oxley, and soon after Canada’s Multilateral Instrument 52-110. At the time, companies were looking for a turn-key solution. Today, we provide a robust solution to help publicly traded companies maintain regulatory compliance.

Scandals Never End

When you consider the ramifications from past scandals that swept through the business world, it’s easy to think ‘if only there was a whistleblower hotline in place’. Today, many organizations are seeing the benefits of whistleblower hotlines to identify fraud earlier, reduce losses, and improve employee morale.